Thursday, April 13, 2017

Another lengthy gap between blogs. No mind.
I was aware that Sharon O'Neill's final studio album, "Edge of Winter" didn't sell that well, and has now become very hard to find. There was a lengthy battle between record labels, and this album came out quite a few years after her previous one. It might appear that she had faded from public attention.

Anyway, I hadn't seen a copy come up for sale for many years, in any format (cassette, vinyl or CD), so it is quite unusual for 3 copies to appear on EBay within the last two months.

My eyes watered when I saw the final sale price of $282.75 Australian dollars for that first copy. Then a Melbourne record store obviously saw that listing, and put one up for a buy now price of $295, and it was quickly snapped up.

But nothing could prepare me for the price of the copy just sold yesterday. I am still trying to figure out how that sold for triple the price of the other two. It's time to roll out the clichés like 'market forces and 'supply and demand'.

I will just carry on looking for a copy in the local op shops. I can but dream.


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