Saturday, April 20, 2013

Oh yes, forgot the mention, there is a listing for the New Zealand music month display on the Eventfinder website and the Bethere website

Thursday, April 18, 2013

This years New Zealand music display will focus on the "Natures Best" compilation. If you are not familiar with it, you really should be. Spread over 3 double CD sets, it represents the top 100 New Zealand popular songs as voted for by various people within the New Zealand music industry. There is also an excellent DVD which has a selection of 60 of the songs. It is an absolute 'must have' DVD for all Kiwi households. The exhibition at South Library will feature a selection of original singles which feature on the CD's. There will also be a small tribute to legendary songwriter Dave McArtney. So if you are in or around South Library (66 Colombo Street), please do have a look. It will be in the usual spot. Turn hard right as you come in, and it is down in the window where the staff area is.